BENEFITS OF THE PRODUCT FOREVER GARLIC THYME; Each soft-gel contains odorless oil of garlic, equivalent to 1,000mg of fresh garlic cloves,Garlic is an anti-bacterial agent which enters the blood stream and disinfects the lungs,bowels, and skin ,Thyme is anti-bacterial anti-fungal that help bronchitis,soothes the digestive system and is a powerful anti-oxidant which helps combat cancer *By including A-beta-care ,Arctic sea super Omega 3, Nature min and Garlic thyme in our daily diet, the body’s defenses against potentially life threatening chemicals ever present in our day to day activities will be increased Benefits includes:Ideal in the treatment of the heart problems,liver and kidney diseases, yeast infections,sinusitis,natural decongestant and much more FOREVER BEE PROPOLIS; Forever bee propolis is a natural anti-biotic extract from beehive. bees line their hives with propolis which protects the hives from infection. Bee propolis is loaded with nutrients and is 100...