Heal Your Knees and Rebuilds Bones and Joints with Natural Remedy
Aging doesn’t have to be unpleasant and frustrating at all. You have to work on your health, and you won’t have any problems later in your life. Your joints tend to wear off as you grow old, but don’t worry. There is something you can do to stop this.
The pain you feel in your joints/bones is probably one of your worst nightmares. Some people are just unable to walk or sit.
Your knees support 80% of your total body weight, so give your best to keep them strong for longer.
Improper body posture, obesity, and long standing hours are leading causes of sore joints. Our natural remedy will solve the problem and bring back your vitality.
Prevention is always the best remedy. Act quickly, and don’t let the initial symptoms turn into something big. Try this remedy, and watch the pain disappear completely.
Bone strengthening remedy.
Arthritis is the result of degenerative changes in the organism that generally develop in the second half of life and are a part of the aging process. Due to today’s way of life and nutrition, the onset of these changes is being shifted towards younger age.
Arthritis includes over 120 different ailments. Regardless of the type, Arthritis is a chronic illness and remains in the body for life. For many it is an inevitable part of aging. Most people start suffering from some of the Arthritis symptoms around the age of 50. The degenerative changes usually start manifesting themselves through intermittent pain in the joints. This is followed by joint stiffness, swelling, inflammations, redness and permanent joint and muscle pain. These are often followed by secondary symptoms, such as insomnia, chronic fatigue, cramping and depression. The changes in weather generally cause worsening of some of these symptoms.
Joint Pain can occur for a number of reasons. For many people, it is due to arthritis
(joint inflammation), of which there are several types. For others, such as those with fibromyalgia or an underactive thyroid, pain occurs with no underlying inflammation at all. Joint pain may range from a mild ache to a severe, burning or sharp sensation in one or several joints. In some instances, joint pain is associated with other symptoms, like joint swelling and stiffness, overlying red and warm skin, and whole-body symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, or fever.
Due to the multiple causes of joint pain, it is perhaps best to separate them into two classes— joint pain from arthritis versus joint pain unrelated to arthritis.
Joint pain related to arthritis indicates that inflammation is occurring within the joint space. There are several types of arthritis and their causes differ.
is the most common form of arthritis. OA develops as a result of age-related breakdown of cartilage, which serves as a cushion between the bones of a joint. This type of arthritis tends to affect the knees, hips, neck, lower back, and fingers.
The pain of OA, which often progresses from a sharp, intermittent pain to a constant aching, worsens with movement and eases with rest. Joint stiffness and a restricted range of motion are also characteristic of OA joint pain.
While classic OA is actually a non-inflammatory arthritis (even though it is still classified as an arthritis), an aggressive subtype of OA, called Erosive Osteoarthritis-is inflammatory. Erosive OA is most common in postmenopausal women and causes a gradual onset of joint aches, stiffness, and swelling in multiple finger joints.
is a type of inflammatory arthritis that occurs in some people with high levels of uric acid in their blood. As the uric acid builds up, it may form crystals in certain joint spaces, like the big toe, ankle, or knee.
A classic gout attack refers to a sudden episode of severe, often burning joint pain that usually occurs in one joint (for example, the big toe). The joint pain of a gout attack is often extreme and associated with redness, swelling, and warmth of the joint. Without treatment, the episode will remit on its own, often within a week's time.
The "why" behind gout joint pain is attributed to the rapid, inflammatory response of the body's immune system to digest the unwanted and foreign crystals.
also known as calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD), is a type of inflammatory arthritis that occurs as a result of calcium crystal buildup in certain joints, most commonly the knee, wrists, shoulders, ankles, feet, and elbows. Like gout, the pain of an acute pseudogout joint attack is sudden, severe, and associated with other symptoms like joint swelling and warmth. Unlike gout, the attacks of pseudogout may last longer before remitting.
With septic arthritis, a joint becomes infected, most commonly with a bacteria and rarely with a fungus (for example, Candida) or mycobacteria (for example, tuberculosis).
Septic arthritis tends to affect a single joint, usually the knee, ankle, wrist, or hip. The affected joint is swollen, warm, and stiff, and a fever is also present. In most cases, septic arthritis is caused by a bacterial infection in the blood that then travels to the joint space. Less commonly, joint surgery or trauma (for example, a tick bite) may be the culprit.
Viral Arthritis
Several different viruses may cause arthritis. The most common ones include hepatitis B and C, parvovirus B19, and alphavirus (viruses transmitted by mosquitoes), such as the Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) found in the Caribbean.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
is a chronic, autoimmune disease that develops gradually over a period of weeks to months. While the disease predominantly affects the joints, early symptoms may not involve them, but instead include fatigue, muscle pain, low-grade fever, weight loss, and numbness and tingling in the hands.When the joints become affected, which is a gradual process, small joints on the same side of the body—such as the joints in the fingers and toes—tend to be affected first. Eventually, other joints follow suit like the wrists, elbows, hips, and spine.
In addition to joint pain, stiffness, warmth, redness, and swelling occur. Unlike osteoarthritis, the stiffness of joint pain in RA tends to be worse in the morning (lasting for more than an hour) and improve with movement.
Spondyloarthritisis a family of inflammatory rheumatic diseases that includes the following four conditions:
Ankylosing Spondylitis
(AS) is an axial spondyloarthropathy because it affects mainly the back and neck (i.e. spine) and the sacroiliac joints (which connect the spine to the pelvis).
The joint pain of AS tends to begin in early adulthood before the age of 45, come on gradually, and improve with activity (similar to rheumatoid arthritis, but the opposite of osteoarthritis).
Morning stiffness that lasts longer than 30 minutes is also common in AS.
Psoriatis Arthritis:
Up to 30 percent of people with psoriasis—a chronic skin condition characterized by patches of thickened skin covered by silvery scales—have psoriatic arthritis. It most commonly affects the end joints of the fingers and toes, causing a throbbing pain, along with stiffness and swelling. Other symptoms may include swollen fingers and toes that look like sausages and nail problems
(for example, pitted nail beds). Interestingly, the severity of a person's psoriasis does not correlate with the severity of their arthritis—and in about 15 percent of people, joint pain shows up before the psoriasis appears.
Reactive Arthritis
This type is characterized by the development of joint pain and swelling one to four weeks after an infection in the urinary tract, genitals, or intestines. Specific bacterial organisms linked to the development of reactive arthritis include Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, Yersinia, and Chlamydia. Typical joints involved in reactive arthritis are the knee, ankle, and foot.
Arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Throbbing joint pain and swelling, especially in larger joints like the knees and hips, may occur in people with inflammatory bowl disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis). The arthritis tends to be more active when bowel symptoms are flaring.
Joint inflammation, especially of the knees, wrists, and finger joints, is common in Systematic lupus Erythematosus (SLE) - a chronic, autoimmune disease that may affect nearly every organ in the body.
Like RA, the same joints on the same side of the body tend to be affected in SLE. However, unlike RA, the morning stiffness does not last as long
(minutes for SLE versus over an hour for RA), and the joint pain tends to be short-lived and migratory, moving from one joint to another within a 24-hour period.
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
is an inflammatory joint disease that causes significant muscle and joints aches and stiffness in the shoulders, neck, and hips. Joint swelling and tenderness may also occur in the wrists and fingers, although it is usually mild. The feet and ankles are never affected, and the disease almost only affects people over the age of 50.Interestingly, PMR is associated with another rheumatic condition called (Giant cell tempora Athritis), which is an inflammatory blood vessel disease that causes inflammation in the arteries of the head and scalp.Other Systemic Rheumatic DiseasesThough it may be hard to believe, the above list is not exhaustive of all the different causes of arthritis. Other less common systemic (whole-body) illnesses may cause arthritis, a few examples being:
*Systemic sclerosis*sarcoidosis*Familial mediterranea fever
Unrelated to Arthritis
These conditions may cause joint pain but are not related to an underlying disease or inflammatory process within the joint.
The predominant symptom of (fibromyalgia) a chronic pain condition, is widespread muscle tenderness, along with crippling fatigue. In addition to muscle pain, people often note joint aches and sometimes joint swelling, despite the lack of inflammation on physical exam.
when bleeding into a joint occurs, may occur for a number of reasons including trauma, a bleeding disorder like hemophilia, a postsurgical complication, or tumor growth, like a synovial hemangioma.
The most common cause of hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland—is Hashimoto's thyroiditis, which is when your body's immune system launches an attack on your thyroid. Hypothyroidism may cause numerous symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, constipation, cold intolerance, and joint aches and stiffness.
- It supports a healthy range of motion,
- Enhances joint comfort and flexibility,
- Promotes healthy cartilage, decreases stiffness in joints,
- Reduce inflammation and relive pain forever
- promotes fast recovery from exercise
- Lubricates the joints and moisturizes skin
- It restore mobility in the joint
- Promote formation of new healthy cartilage
- Contains substances naturally occurring in joints
- Protects against damage to cartilage
- Contains beneficial ginger and turmeric root for joint support —basically everything your joints have been begging for!

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